World Automotive Conference in Turkey 2016 Categories: 2016 Timelines: Almanya, Argentina, Arjantin, Birleşik Krallık, Brazil, Brezilya, Central America, Chile, China, Çin, Colombia, Fas, France, Fransa, Germany, Güney Afrika, Hindistan, India, İspanya, Italy, İtalya, Kolombiya, Meksika, Mexico, Morocco, Orta Amerika, Peru, Poland, Polonya, Portekiz, Portugal, Russia, Rusya, Şili, South Africa, Spain, Tayland, Thailand, Turkey, Türkiye, Ukraine, Ukrayna, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Announcement Date : 29 Kasım 2016
Quentin Le Hetet attended the World Automotive Conference in Istanbul on the 29th and 30th of November. As a representative of GiPA in Turkey, he animated a round table about the future of the aftermarket industry in a connected world.
WAC Brochure_Dunya Otomotiv Konferansi